“Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information”

-Albert Einstein

This Group Program is designed to restore mobility, stability, and impaired postural control that often is impaired from repetitive faulty movement pattern, fatigue, or over use. Often there is an existing impairment present that is compounded from all of the above. This program will focus on maintaining and improving mobility, stability, and proper movement sequencing in a group format. The premise of the program is skilled instruction of mobility, stability, motor training to help the athlete recover and to find a smoother path for better movement during in season training or competition.

  • Teach consistent warm up and recovery habits focusing on breathing, sequencing movement, proper activation patterns, and postural control.

  • Weekly Monitoring of Common Mobility Problems to track progress or regression with implementation of either maintaining or improving.

    • If an athlete can not independently improve below on his own in this format: further movement testing and individualized programming will be recommended.

      • Ankle Mobilty with learning Self Tests

      • Shoulder Mobility Screen with learning Self Tests.

      • Thoracic Rotation mobility with learning Self Tests.

      • Hip Rotation Mobility Screen with learning Self Tests.

      • Upper Body Motor Control and Lower Body Motor Control monitoring.

        • Monitoring grip strength which if seen is trending down can be a warning sing of an upper quarter issue.

        • Monitoring breathing patterns which can also show sings of over stress from either or both life stressors and/or training.